It's easy to play with the truth, since there is no objectivity. To absolve the self from responsibility or to place the blame on another. It's all in the eyes of the beholder. And yet, its not easy to shoulder the blame based on someone else's version of the truth, or their omission. Even if one is honourable, one is not and still loses since the beholder is the judge, the executioner and the blamer. Once when you could do no wrong, now all you are is a mountain of blame.
one has to face ,there own mistakes and choices ,to see what they have done ,to hold the choice ,not repeat ,no one can be blamed for another choices ,although two can ,help each other ,understand in most loving ,gentle manner to share ,a life that becomes ,something more than held together at seams filled with lies ,arguments ,pain ,as love shall never be ,taking all that comes ,sharing it ,touching it with the love that ,both hold ,as that will stand ,high as the Truth .